How To Protect Yourself In A Love Relationship
Today we have a list of 17 important tips to keep in mind and love to take on a partner, a boyfriend, get a date, improve your relationship and everything you need to develop yourself happily in this vast and changing world of love.
1. Look carefully at who you are with even when you think you have everything secured in your relationship. People are often not fully transparent and you need to make it work, you need to make the relationship to have a lot of mutual trust to know every aspect of the other person.
2. A well-placed pair of glasses can see a person in love, which is not the best option.
3. A man / woman can not fill the void you have in your life. It complements it, but does not fill the total loss of your life, keep that in mind when thinking about a couple that solves everything.
4. If a person tells you he does not want or is not ready for a relationship with you, NEVER insist. Take that out of your head, until that person asks you. Do not dwell on this aspect as it rarely ends in a good way. Convincing the other, does not work in this aspect.
5. Do not confuse your career with your partner, in the case of sharing the workplace or chosen career.
6. It is not always the best to only see what man tells, sometimes their actions speak for themselves and say things that his words could not. For better or for worse.
7. A person who is not looking for you, it's because he's not interested. A good way to call his/her attention is to always being ourselves. Beware of pushing someone to care for you by force since that will make the other person to lose all the interest he/she had.
8. Love is always a risk. If you win, you got more, if you lose, you get less than when you started. It always is and will be, but these things make the life interesting.
9. The person who loves and is happy doing it, no one can prove him wrong. Do not try to move his attention, because the person may stop talking to you than to stop talking to the other person. Just limit yourself and try not to persuade or force the other person.
10. Do not forget yourself, by having a partner. Dress up, get out, dress as you like. Remember it is a partner, not a slave or duty. Who loved you as you were, surely will love you always.
11. A man who says "I love you", along with daily attention and listen to what you say, is a man in truly in love.
12. The love by necessity, it is not love.
13. The distance or intermittent cohabitation has 2 possible great effects. The strengthening of the relationship and consolidating it or destroy it completely. You will never be "fine" in a rare interaction relationship.
14. The man does not know what you have in mind as a woman. Do not try to make him guess, he will not do it.
15. If a woman tells you she's angry, it's because she is. If she says everything is all right ... possibly she's angry.
16. The man is simple, women are complex. No one is better or worse, but either side has advantages in different aspects.
17. In love there are only 2 main things: The body and speech. - Joyce Carol Oates